Thursday, May 24, 2012

Working with multmedia artifacts? Teresa de Lauretis can help you delve into it.
“There are “languages,” practices of language and discursive apparati that produce meanings; and there are different modes of semiotic production, ways in which labor is invested in the production of signs and meaning. The types of labor invested, and the modes of production involved, it seems to me, are directly , materially, relevant to the constitution of subjects in ideology –class subjects, race subjects, sexed subjects, and any other differential category that may have political use-value for particular situations of practice and particular historical moments” (De Lauretis, Teresa. Alice Doesen´t, 32 ) 
She asked ¿Qué hay entre los unos y los ceros?
I replied with another question: What is excessive of a 24frames/m shot filmed 5, 10, or 38 years ago?

I was fascinated by If we don't, remember me, a gallery of living movie stills created in 2010. memory and cut frames (this reminds me to Cinema Paradiso's censored images in a can)!"!! see below

April 2012 “Why do you have to die to let go?”
Brainstorm (1983)

April 2012 “Woke up, felt like shit. Went to work, felt like shit.”
Children of Men (2006)

March 2012 “He’s the exact opposite of everything I really hate.”
Ghost World (2001)

March 2012 “I’m not afraid of death, but I am afraid of murder.”
The Conversation (1974)

Thanks to my friend Linda, I finally started my long planned blog. I thought of a machete (cheat sheet) or a machetazo (super cheat sheet, we Argentineans always like to go big) to help me put down and share the thoughts dancing around my work in progress. MiMachete will be bilingual and multi-form since I plan to paste anything that that is influencing me at a particular moment.

I believe that a blog will help me deal with my messy and audiovisual thoughts giving them a somehow orderly audiovisual format. I hope it makes sense to you too. Thanks for joining!
bienvenidos. Carla Manzoni

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


(Del dim. de macho2).

1. m. Arma blanca, más corta que la espada, ancha, pesada y de un solo filo.

2. m. Cuchillo grande que sirve para desmontar, cortar la caña de azúcar y otros usos.

3. m. coloq. Arg. y Col. chuleta (apunte para usarlo disimuladamente en los exámenes).

4. m. Cuba. Máquina usada en las fábricas de cigarros para cortar el tabaco que se ha de convertir en hebras.

5. m. Nic. trabajo (ocupación retribuida).

6. m. Ur. Persona avara y mezquina. U. t. c. adj.

7. m. Ven. Hombre eficaz o capaz en alguna actividad en la que demuestra arrojo y decisión. U. t. c. adj.

8. m. Ven. Cosa buena o positiva. U. t. c. adj.

1. m. Weapon, shorter than the sword, broad, heavy, single edged.

2. m. Large knife used to remove, cut sugar cane and other uses.

3. m.coloq.Arg. yCol. notes used to cheat in exams.

4. m.Cuba. Machine used in the cigar factories to cut the snuff to be converted into strands.

5. m.Nic. work (gainful occupation ).

6. m.Ur. Greedy and mean person. U. t. c. adj.

7. m.Ven. Effective or able man in any activity that demonstrates courage and determination. U.   t. c. adj.

 8. m.Ven. Good or positive thing. U. t. c. adj.

(thanks google translate)
