Wednesday, July 11, 2012

AQUÍ PARA TI/HERE FOR YOU –workshop’ s schedule

Dear all,
I am coordinating a summer audiovisual workshop for Aquí para Ti/Here for you (APT/HFY), a youth development clinic based program for Latino teens and their families –most of them immigrants- aiming to achieve Health in a very integrative way, thus addressing health inequity and the adaptation to the new environment.
I put together this summer workshop in Spanish, targeting Latina teens 15 years and up, to introduce audiovisual art done by women on issues of gender roles and particularly the female role in Latino Culture. The workshop will take place in the Minneapolis Central library, from mid July to Mid august, and one of the activities is to visit the Walker Art Center.
The workshop’s goals are: 1) to explore womanhood through audiovisual production and express our situation as women 2) to help them experience art in a very inviting way. 3) to encourage them to use the Central Library and visit museums. 4) to promote self expression via art.
jul17 tue. @ Central Library RKMC. Library related issues with Aaron. Computer based activity.
jul19 th  @ Central Library -Teen central. Introduction. La cámara oscura (María Victoria Menis, 2008).  

jul24 tue en Central Library RKMC. La teta asustada (Claudia Llosa, 2009)

jul26 th en Central Library N270. Fotomontajes de Grete Stern y  Videoarte de GracielaTaquini y Ximena Cuevas–

jul31 tue. @ Central Library RKMC. A- Documentaries 1. Que se Callen las Metrallas,que Quiero Oir un Bolero, . 2. Ana Mendieta. Fuego de Tierra,  3. Bloodwork, the Ana Mendieta Story, B- start projects
ago2 th Walker Arts Center

ago7 tue @Central Library RKMC. Independent work on final projects.

ago9 th @ Central Library RKMC. Project presentation plus blog coordination. . Final evaluations. 

ago 17- @ Nash Gallery, U OF M. Closing event, blog presentation and Octopus/Pulpo video-installation by Yoshua Okón,

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